Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weekend Update

Ugh...more snow. It's not piling up nearly as quick this time around, but it is making a mess of everything again. And snow makes it very difficult to get motivated to do anything other than curl up under a blanket. We tried to combat the laziness with some fun activities on Friday night and also this morning.

Friday, we hit the rec center to play some volleyball in the pool. The water wasn't too bad, but apparently they didn't have the room heater on. Everyone was hunkered down in the water trying to stay warm. After volleyball, we ventured over to the CUB (the student union) for WSU's version of "Up All Night." This is just free food and activities for students and their guests on Friday nights as an alternative to going out on the town. Unfortunately, WSU's "Up All Night" is not nearly as good as West Virginia University's!! We arrived about an hour after things had started and the food (Chinese food, ugh) was completely cleaned out! We tried to get in on some of the games, but the lines were so long we gave up on that quickly. We tried to get in on the craft, but they were already out of supplies. We did hang around long enough to catch the entertainment act...a sword swallower. He was so booooring that we left before he got to the main part of his act. Oh was worth a try.

Saturday morning's activity was much better. We hit the rec center with 4 other people for a doubles raquetball tournament. Not to brag, but Greg and I cleaned up, beating both teams (once). :) After that, we grabbed some basketballs for a little 3-0n-3 and Knockout. We might have been the laughingstock of the basketball courts, but we burnt off some major calories over the course of 2 1/2 hours. Which hopefully made up for all the gluten-free cookies we ate last night. I finally ordered some different types of flour to make my "all-purpose gluten-free flour" mixture. About 22 pounds of flour actually. It was quite a bit cheaper to order it in bulk. It just arrived Thursday night, so to try it out, I made some chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips Friday night. Wow. You'd never know they were gluten free. 30 cookies disappeared in a matter of minutes. Now you know why we needed to spend so long at the gym this morning!

Earlier this week, we hosted movie night and dinner. We've been having communal dinners with some friends almost every night of the week. I only have to cook about twice a week, but we've been eating some great food each evening. Greg is wanting to start a new tradition for each week. He wants to have a covered dish dinner where each person brings something that cost no more than $2 to make. It will be tough, but it will definitely call for some creativity and maybe a little extra hunting in the grocery store. It's hard to find items under $2 that will feed one person, much less a few people! We'll see if it catches on or not. Dixie and Ginny like movie night though. They both can start snoozing at the drop of a hat, so they get a little closer to cuddling up each time we get together. Greg had both of them on the couch with him this week. They look a little bored with the movie though... Greg must have picked that one out!

As far as our "daytime" life goes, Greg just had his first test on Friday. He should find out how that went on Monday. Still no jobs for me. Being a full-time dishwasher/clothes washer/dog walker/house cleaner/dinner fixer doesn't pay too well unfortunately. Well, I'll be sure to let you all know how Greg fared on his test....I can tell you're all dying to know! :)


Marsha said... guys sure are playing hard!!'ll be skin and bones the next time we get to see you and when does Greg have time to study since you are being so social??!! Or is he a smart "cookie" since you are doing all that baking?!

I really like your frost picture. I hav never seen frost like that here in WV. Just lots of snow...last weekend we had 4 inches of snow on top of about 1/2 inch of ice!! We have so much school the last 2 weeks...I don't know if our little kindergartners will ever catch up on their reading!! This week doesn't look real promising...hopefully all we'll have are some 2 hour delays.

Is Ginny your little puppy or does Dixie have a really close friend!? I don't remember reading about you getting her.

Stay warm and busy!!

Aunt Marsha

Jamie B said...

okay - so what you are saying is between you and my Greg we have enough flour, laundry detergent and ketchup to last us through the recession! lol - awww...the sounds of your sport story with all that gym activity leaves me feeling very sad and longing for the days when I can, oh I don't know, lift my leg up and be able to even get up out of a chair by myself! You guys are quite the little social butterflies, but I must say, I am extremely jealous that other people are getting to enjoy the two of you like we used to :( - well, i haven't been sleeping well lately, but we have to be at church on time in the am, and with Greg having to shower & dress Ethan, Emma, himself, and now me, we'll have to get up around 6 to be there at 9:45- so I better try to get some sleep - I'm still prayin' for just the right employment to come your way and I do hope to hear that Greg did well on that test...if he goes out there and doesn't graduate top of the class, well, it simply will not have been worth you being jerked out of our lives!!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you guys are soooo busy!!! Keeps you young I think.
Don't have any other news right now
but I am syked about the Steelers going to the Superbowl. We are having a few people over for that and all of us are going for opposite teams so it should be very interesting and probably LOUD at our house Sunday night. Laci is spending the night at mom's this Sunday night. I hope she doesn't call crying to come home like the last time she went to Tim's parents. She has been awful clingy lately. Must be a phase!!! Well, stay warm and give Dixie a hug for us. Later Taters!!

Dan Meyer said...

"We did hang around long enough to catch the entertainment act...a sword swallower. He was so booooring that we left before he got to the main part of his act. Oh was worth a try."

So who was this sword swallower, and what city was he in? I'm very curious!

Unknown said...

The sword swallower was Brad Byers. We didn't even get to see him swallow the sword because we couldn't sit through the beginning of the routine. Sorry. Just wasn't enough excitement for college kids.

Anonymous said...

Burr sure looks cold!!!!! Guess it is to cold to go mall searching. I have your weather on my gadets it says it is -11 degrees there. Look forward to your updates. Call us sometime. Gook luck on your job search.