Monday, January 19, 2009

Brrrr! I'm ready for Spring! Although we've been spared the below-zero temperatures that all of you back home are having...things still seem so cold. We have had very heavy frosts that are so pretty. Below is a close-up of a pine tree with all the little spikes of frost. This was taken about 3:00 in the afternoon. For about three days now, we've had frost that stays on all day long. At least it's not piles of snow!

Our yard is so small that Dixie doesn't get to do much playing or sniffing. She goes out to take care of business and then we make her come back in. So we've been walking up the hill to a park to let her (and Ginny) run around and blow off some steam these last two days. It's quite amusing to watch them follow each other around, seeing who can pee the most! This picture was also taken late afternoon. All of that white is frost, not snow. Dixie looks like she's ready to do some modeling...what with the windblown look, slightly open mouth, and "come hither" stare! This is Ginny and Dixie as we walked back down the hill to go home. You don't realize just how small Ginny is until you get her outside. She's only about 7 months old though, so I guess she's got some filling out to do. She and Dixie are the exact same color, so it's pretty funny to watch them walk down the street side by side.

This hill overlooks the park where we were playing. Dixie, of course, looked away from the camera at the very second we were ready to take the picture.
We're liking Pullman a little more each day. Unfortunately, the job I was hoping for didn't work out, so I'm on the hunt again. I guess most people probably fantasize about not having to go to work everyday...getting to stay home and be whatever you want. When you have no choice about it, it's not always fun. Hopefully it won't last too long though. I have a few options out there, so let's hope all the pieces fall into place soon.

Greg is still enjoying school. So much so, that he is at the library on a vacation day! Things are coming back to him now, and I think he'll really enjoy it next semester when he gets to switch to a research assistant instead of a teaching assistant.

Our highlight this week was attempting to play roller-hockey. I have a newfound respect for hockey players. It's no wonder they have concussions and only a few of their actual can be dangerous! If you're skating with Greg that is! :) Neither of us had been on rollerblades for quite awhile. The rec center has a small enclosed area for roller-hockey, and they rent out all the necessary equipment. I looked like the biggest dork of course...apparently when they got to me, the only helmet left was one with a windshield! It was so scratched up that I could barely see through it. Anyway, we played 2 on 2 with Shannon and Travis (who was an actual hockey player). We started by playing 3 on 1 against Travis...but soon decided that it would only be fair if he had one of us on his team to bring him down a few notches. 2 on 2 was much more even...although Greg and I definitely didn't come out on top. There were a lot of close calls, but there was only one wipeout. Out of respect for the athletes, I won't mention any names though (G-R-E-G!).

Greg didn't fare much better the next day when the four of us played raquetball and I landed a perfect shot right in his eye socket! Oops. I'm pretty sure I owed him from the time he hit me square in the face with a volleyball though. We'll call it even.

Well, I think that's about all the excitement we've had for the last few days. I'll let you all know whenever I find gainful employment...or just employment!


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! Were you sore the next morning from the roller blading? WE had a delay today but it is still cold-about 4 this morning. That frost looks interesting! Did you get your shirt finished? Hope you have a good week and the job hunt goes well. Miss you all.
Love you,

Jamie B said...

Okay, so I will now add roller -hockey to my list of things I should NOT attempt with my new ACL. You did owe Greg for that volleyball incident! I know how talented you are Lindsey, I'd say you will find just the right job very soon! Dixie and her new friend are very cute together! I'm glad to see Greg's lack of socializing isn't holding you and her back. Things are getting back to normal here, the kids and I are getting some school done and enjoying an edible arrangement my sister had sent to me! That thing is YUMMY! Anyway - enjoy your frost, I probably won't see the outside for another week!

Unknown said...

Hey y'all !! Lindsey couldn't look cuter holding that precious little puppy. She is a natural. Never know when you guys may get your own little bundle of joy. We will wait and see what happens. I guess Greg is having fun at school. Grading papers is something I always wanted to do. It was always fun when the teacher would let you grade your neighbors paper. Good idea for you Greg. Save you some more time for other stuff. Ha Ha!!! Well, we definitely have had some nasty snow up here. I'm already hoping for a short winter/early spring. All is well and we are getting better than ever at Rock Band. Laci says "hi uncle dreg and aunt
Lindsey". Anthony says "what's up?" I have been working on my blog site but still have a few bugs to work out. Keep my little Dixie warm and we'll blog at ya later.

Anonymous said...

baahahahah, i would have loved to have seen greg get a raquetball facial....maybe next time he should wear your windshield helmet. That's also really funny that he bit it when you guys were playing roller-hockey...he'll probably make-up some excuse though that makes it seem like your fault (on a side note, I started to fall at the ice rink and Randall leaned over to try and catch me and ended up faceplanting in front of all these little Nancy Kerigan that one actually was my fault, but still hilarious). I agree with Angela, trade-and-grade is the only way for Greg to go...does he need any SUPERB! stickers? I have some, if so.
I'm getting really good at guitar hero...I played SIX songs the other day on MEDIUM and scored above 88% on all of them. I think ran-dell is feeling a little pressure.
We watched marley & me last weekend - did you guys like the audio book? The movie was good...minus the fact that grown men were blowing their noses too loud to hear the end. weird.
love, hbc

Anonymous said...

So I guess you are getting settled in and learning your way around. I knew you all would adjust and make friends quickly. Before I forget, Ben said to tell you he loves the blogspot and to tell you both "hi". He is the assistant mgr. at Walgreen's now. We went to Ohio on our shopping trip Friday and stayed in Logan. We were on the outskirts of Columbus. We went to a couple of suppliers on Saturday and then on to Strasburg that night. We left the trailer at the hotel on Sunday due to snow. It was really cold up there. We did some more Amish shopping on Monday and then stopped at Crafts 2000 on the way home. We never hit any bad roads till we saw the Nicholas Cty line. Of course Nile Rd is always a joy. I told John that once you kids got out of Nile Rd none of you came back. He said he understood why. Keep up the hard work son. I'm sure it will pay off. It better... Give Dixie a kiss and hug from her mawmaw and pawpaw. Ginny is really cute too. Miss you both every day.