Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dixie Goes to College

Dixie and I are thoroughly enjoying our down time this week. I haven't heard back from my interview yet, but Monday will either bring a job...or me working a lot harder to find a job! In the meantime, I've done some sewing (aside from Dixie's coat I'm working on a shirt for myself), checked out some library books, done some walking and jogging around town, and I've had a few moments of pure laziness.

All three of us should be fit and trim in no time if we keep a pace like we have this past week. The weather has been very nice, so we've taken advantage of that by leaving the cars parked. I went for a jog around the neighborhood today. I think this is the best way to figure out where things are, and the quickest ways to get around. Yesterday Dixie and I walked to a park to meet Greg during his lunch break. In this picture, both of them are more enamored by the piece of cheese that I'm holding than the photographer herself.

Today, I figured Dixie would be too pooped for a long walk, but she seemed eager to get out and about. As soon as I got cleaned up from my jog, Dixie and I set out all the way across campus to meet Greg at the library for his walk home. Dixie was in overdrive as we walked around on campus. So many people. So many potential petters! She was soaking it up. I'd even venture to guess that she was getting more attention than any other girl there. Greg mentioned to me later that he didn't think dogs were allowed on campus...maybe that's why she was getting so much attention. Oops. The walk was a little longer than we planned, and of course we had to come all the way back home, but she didn't seem to mind at all.

Greg is enjoying coming back to school, but even more, he's wishing he had never left. Apparently three+ years was too long to wait in between Calculus 3 and Calculus 4. Who knew??

With some of my downtime, I've been doing some research so that I can order the different types of flours I need to make the gluten-free commitment...again. Now that I'm starting with a fresh pantry, I should be able to avoid some of the more tempting things. I have eaten gluten-free (99% of the time :) ) since our 2nd or 3rd day out here, and I can certainly tell a difference. I made mom's pizza crust last night with gluten-free flour. It was different from the usual, but not too bad really. I could really go for some good brownies though. As soon as I get some more flour I'll give them a try.


Jamie B said...

Hey there Greg n Lindsey...good to hear things are getting off to such a good start! I go in for surgery tomorrow, yuck. But I'm very excited to be healed and be able to go for a walk or a jog without feeling popping and crunching... I think it is really admirable of Greg to not give up on his education!! I know the Lord will bless him for his discipline, and it will be so worth it! I'll check in next week to hopefully hear good news on your job search! Take care of good ol' Dixie and stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey and Greg,
We finally got some snow here-about 4 inches overnight-it is really pretty. May even give us a delay in the morning. We are enjoying our last day off! I talked to Brenda Henne this morning and sent her your blog address. They are all coming down for the birthday party in Pburg this Saturday. Keep up the sewing and hope things go well on the job hunt this week. And tell Greg to make sure he gets his homework done. FUN FUN!
Love you both,