Monday, January 26, 2009

Cold Weather & Warm Recipes

The chill that all of you back home had last week must be heading our direction. The temperature has been in the single digits this morning. When Dixie and I returned from our morning walk around 11:00, it was only 7 degrees. It supposedly dropped below zero overnight. No wonder my legs were stinging! She and I walked to the downtown area where I took these pictures. The cougar is WSU's mascot. A few weeks ago, someone had wrapped a nice red and gold scarf around the statue's neck, but apparently a living being needed the warmth more than the cougar because the scarf wasn't there for very long. You can see that we got a few more inches of snow over the weekend. And of course, being the ferocious guard dog that she is...this 2nd picture shows Dixie protecting me from the inanimate object...just in case it had any ideas! Notice the hair down her back standing on end.

So on the subject of cold weather...Greg has requested some nice, hot crock-pot meals. I've done some vegetable soup and potato soup, but I really don't have too many recipes for things to make in the crock-pot. Now I happen to know for a fact that there are some really good cooks who follow this I'm putting out an open request for crock-pot recipes. You can post the recipe as a comment right here on the blog site, email it to me, or just send it via regular mail if you prefer. If anyone needs our address, you should be able to get it from any immediate family member. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm a little hesitant to put our full address on the internet for anyone to see. I look forward to all the delicious recipes we might get!! Stay warm!


Jamie B said...

Dixie is so making me think of scooby-doo "ruh-roh raggy"!! Crock-pot meals...yum yum! I actually have a magazine that I bought a few years ago that has nothing but crock-pot recipes. I will have to pull it out and send you some good ones. Mostly we do roasts, BBQ chicken or BBQ ribs in ours, and then of course chili. So, as I'm spending my days on my rump, I will add that to my to-do list!

Anonymous said...

I guess you know we are in for another winter storm, ice,snow,sleet,rain and whatever else we deserve. I kept Laci yesterday and overnight. She always talks about uncle Greg and Aunt Lindsey and uncle Trent. I'm sure she doesn't understand why those uncles are still in school. We went to see mawmaw and pawpaw Beam. She made pawpaw play in the floor with her with the new barbie she got for her birthday. Then he had the fun of playing hide and seek too. I'm not sure he understood what she wanted him to do because she told him he was supposed to hide. I see Dixie is watching out for her mommy. Good girl. I'll see if I can come up with any recipes for Greg. Hope things continue to stay exciting for all of you. Call when you have a chance. We miss you every day. Love,

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought, maybe you should have Greg do the cooking and then he can start making the requests :) Otherwise I'm sure he did amazing on his test cause he sucks like that and Dixie and Ginny are the coolest things I've ever seen! So did you get Ginny or is she your neighbors dog? I can't remember lol!
Lindsey, have you considered starting your own dog walking business? I hear it can be quite lucrative.....just and idea.

Love you guys, T-Daddy

Anonymous said...

1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 tsp. granola
1 cup vienna sausages
4 L soy milk
1 chopped calf liver

from what i remember, greg eats anything, so it shouldn't be a big deal...

P.S. walmart actually sells calf liver...randall tried to sneak it in my cart.

Bozzman said...

Cook the wiener dog, they're good eat'n!!! Man its was bad on the way to work this morning, If you were still here you would've had the day off. Hope everything is good your way. Again, Marie, Myspace...T

Unknown said... is a site one of my friends sent me... and it's Gluten free!

My crockpot is a fan of beef stews and hams. Our ham is pretty easy and makes for some great leftovers or a good meal with friends. Not sure if you are a meat eater but if you are the ham is yummy!

1 baisc ham (5-9 pounds depending on people and desired leftovers), shank or butt not sliced, place in crockpot and fill with apple juice to 2.5" below rim. Cook on High 10hrs and glaze in oven if desired.

We make a brown sugar and whisky glaze and it's a big hit for group events. With a 6 pound ham and 2 people we have lots of left overs and it ends up becoming a Hawaiian Ham Skillet , pizza toppings, omelet fillings, cheesy au grautin potato mixer and more.

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment but got to reading these crock-pot things and got so hungry I couldn't think of anything else. j