Sunday, October 18, 2009

My 1st Half Marathon

I ran through two states on Saturday! That sounds much more impressive than it really was. I ran my first half-marathon on Saturday morning and the race started in Clarkston, WA and ran into Lewiston, ID and then back. Thanks to Jen for the inspiration to try a 1/2 marathon, and thanks to Greg and Dixie for driving around to every possible wide spot in the road to cheer me on! And even though I did all the work, Dixie amazingly got all the attention. She was a kid-magnet. One cool thing at the race... there were three little kids parading around with signs that said "My mom is running her first half-marathon on her 30th birthday!" As soon as she crossed the finish line, a man who I assume was her husband, played happy birthday on a trumpet! Here are a few pictures.

Who knew that Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea were midgets!? The race (The Lewis & Clark Half Marathon) ran along the Lewis & Clark trail from Clarkston to Lewiston. I think they made their point!

Pre-race stretching
The start

Running along the Snake River

The gnats were terrible! They were plastered all over my clothes, stuck in my hair, and running down my face with the sweat. It was really gross. Who knows how many I ate!

Taking a quick break at the halfway point to suck down some Powerade Gel. Luckily, Greg was waiting there with water!

Heading back.

A smile! (because I'm almost finished)

Amazingly, I run 13 miles...Dixie gets the massage!

Friday evening we watched one of WSU's volleyball games. They had a very impressive turnout, but it was easy to see why. They were very exciting to watch and beat USC in 3 straight games. They had a full pep band on hand for the game, and immediately afterwards, the drumline entertained everyone for awhile.

Watching the game with Edith

Here's a video of the WSU drumline playing after the volleyball game.

Finally, my latest sewing project. It is the Heather Ross Weekend Away Bag. It didn't turn out too bad. I've definitely made improvement with each new project. It's just a shame that it takes me 2 months to go from start to finish on a project. :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lindsey! Dixie always seems to be the one getting the attention that's for sure. And I am impressed with the bag. Keep up the good work. The pics are great and thanks for sharing them. I wish you and Greg could have been with us on the train ride too. We miss you guys and anxious to see you soon.
Love you,

Unknown said...

Nice job on the sewing!!!! You are a supergirl all in one package !! 13 miles !! Really? Good gosh I would have died. Why didn't Greg run. Sounds like something he would like too. Glad he and Dixie kept up with ya. Getting cold around here. Snowed at Fenwick yesterday. Stay warm !! With all that running you do, I bet a little cool would be nice sometimes LOL !!! Later.

Overall Family said...

Nice Job Lindsey!! I also ran the half on Saturday. In fact, that is my son (Andrew) in the picture petting your dog. I was looking for the results/pictures from the half and came across your site.

We are originally from the Valley but live in Vancouver, Washington now.

Take care and congrats on running your first half.

- Teresa Overall

Unknown said...

Wow, small world. Dixie certainly enjoyed all the attention! I really enjoyed the race and hope to do more in the future. I haven't been able to find results/pictures either. has last year's results, but have not posted this year's times yet. Thanks for the comment!! :)

Unknown said...

I am so impressed~ 13 miles is no small feat! I start my ski conditioning class this week and am eager to see how it treats me since my body is not longer fighting wheat/gluten.
Dave and I have been cleaning and I have 5 large bins of fabric that is "intended" for quilts, most of this moved from Maine with us. I haven't made a real quilt since I moved here 3 years ago. (that makes 2 months on a bag not seem so bad huh?)

Unknown said...

Ok Linz - my half-scenery definitely couldn't compete with yours. Your bag looks fantastic. Is that one of the fat quarters from Sew to Speak? I like the purple too (surprise)...