Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lunchtime Bully

Normally, I use my hour-long lunch break to sit outside. I eat my sandwich, read a library book, and enjoy a relaxing bit of time to myself. Not today.
Today I was teased, tormented, and bullied. By a squirrel. That's right. A squirrel. I was sitting at a picnic table when a squirrel hopped up on the edge of the table and began his plot to steal my gluten-free, rice and almond bread, ham and cheese sandwich. Squirrels are health nuts too (no pun intended!). Anyway, I figured nobody would believe my story, so I whipped out my camera and here are the results.

The culprit. (The blue bag in the foreground contains my library book and the remainder of my lunch. I'm currently holding my sandwich.)

Stage 1. Stroll by pretending to be nonchalant.

Stage 2. Case the joint.

Stage 3. Stay perfectly still and she won't even notice you.

Stage 4. Make sure the goods are there. Mmm...I smell cheese!

Stage 5. Begin "Operation Drag-The-Bag"

Stage 6. Go! Go! Go!

He'd make a nice little antenna decoration!
Where's Dixie when you really need her?!?


Unknown said...

how cool is that!!!! Next time take your protector ha ha!!!

Unknown said...

Linz - that is so funny! He's like the squirrels here at Ohio State who have so excellently adapted to campus life. They can drink from straws and use chop stiks. That's a great photo story!!

Anonymous said...

I bet this squirrel will be on television someday. He's got real talent. He even smiled in some of those shots. I'm having trouble getting on the internet. I am not ignoring you all. Tell Greg and Dixie we said hi. Miss you all every day. Had a little boo hoo this evening. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Those are really neat pics and comments. You should go into the business. Indeed that tail would make a good decoration for someone's antennae.
Love you,